Message from the President

Today, the structure of industry has changed dramatically with the rapid development of information science and technology. The recruitment and development of highly-skilled human resources that can respond to these changes has become an important issue in industry. Accordingly, businesses expect universities and other educational institutions to provide human resources that possess practical skills appropriate for industry. In addition, each individual is required to manage the development of his/her own ability. In this environment, we established a non-profit organization in 2003 which undertakes the certification of practical skills, with the support of industry, academia and government. Through the accreditation of courses and educational institutions which provide training for practical skills, and the certification of individual practical skills, we will continue to contribute to the development of human resources that can play an active role on the global stage.

June 14, 2016

Yoshiaki Fukazawa
Accreditation Council for Practical Abilities

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